Smiling mom, daughter, and small dog against a city backdrop.

Welcome to Type Wonderful

A Resource for T1D Caregivers

Are you a parent or caregiver of a type 1 diabetic? Are you facing the recent diagnosis of your child? Overwhelmed with the amount of information out there?

When it comes to type 1 diabetes, there’s a huge learning curve, and it can be overwhelming. Having faced my own daughter’s diagnosis four years ago, I know what it’s like.

Do you wonder if you can handle this? Or wonder if you’ll ever sleep again? Or if your child will be okay?

Yes, you can handle this, and you will sleep again! And with the right tools and support, your child will not only be okay, but they will thrive!

I can’t promise everything will be smooth sailing from here on out (because life is full of ups and downs), but I’m here for you, and I will provide tools and resources so that you and your loved one can move forward with peace and confidence.

You got this!